Environment and Safety

nothing is wasted, but everything is turned into something new

Mazzucconi has established preventive safety procedures in all of its facilities, in conformity with the UNI ISO 45001 norms and environmental procedures in conformity with UNI EN ISO 14001.

with the goal of:
  • Preventing pollution and aspiring health, safety and hygiene by means of continuous improvement of our production processes.
  • Assuring the conformity of our systems with legislation in terms of environment, health, safety and hygiene.
  • Guaranteeing that environmental, health, safety and hygiene aspects of our activity are respected in defining new activities as well as in running the existing ones.

As a confirmation of Mazzucconi's interest and sensibility towards the environmental aspects of its processes, Mazzucconi has recently started the use of inorganic sand cores in its casting low-pressure and gravity casting processes, reducing in this way the emission of chemical residue after combustion by 98%.

POLICY     UNI ISO 45001     UNI EN ISO 14001